Wednesday, January 8, 2020

No Prohibitions On The Use Of Stem Cells - 1199 Words

No Prohibitions on the Use of Stem Cells In the past century there have been many breakthroughs focused on extending human life. One such discovery is the controversial use of cells taken from human tissue. These are commonly referred to as stem cells. Stem cells are beneficial to human beings from being able to regenerate damaged to cells, to helping find cures to some of the most known diseases such as Rett’s disease, a disease that attacks the nervous system, and to reducing abnormalities in genes that give some humans many genetic disorders such as Down syndrome. Stem cells should not be prohibited regardless if they come from embryotic or adult stem cells. They all are valuable, and, with more research, they can possibly help extend†¦show more content†¦This means they can be specialized and are flexible enough to grow into a muscle cell, skin cell, and many more types of cells. Adult Stem cells can also be referred to somatic stem cells. These cells are cells of the body. An adult stem cell is an undifferentiated cell. It is found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ. The adult stem cell can renew itself and can differentiate some or all of the major specialized cell types. The primary roles of the adult stem cell are to maintain and repair the tissue that contains them. There are two ways to identify stem cells. The first way is labeling cells in a living tissue with molecular markers, and then we would determine which of the specialized cells it generates. The second way is a more controversial way. The researcher would first remove the cell from a living animal and inject it into another living organism. This process would determine whether the cells repopulate their tissue of organ. A single adult cell must be able to generate a line of genetically identical cells that then give motivation to all the appropriate and differentiated cell types of the tissue. In a living animal adult stem cells are capable of dividing, if necessary, and can give a rise to mature cell types that have characteristic shapes and specialized

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